This Friday, a last live Q&A session on the subject 'Offshore Grid Planning' will take place with representatives from the companies Elia and Amprion on September 18th at 10 AM CET. To register, click here. In addition, videos of all four breakout sessions are now availableonline.
There is also only less than one week to go until the final online conference of the project PROMOTioN takes place on September 21st from 10 AM until 3 PM CET. The event, titled “North Sea Grid for the European Green Deal: How to unlock Europe's Offshore Wind potential - a deployment plan for a meshed HVDC grid”, marks the culmination of over four years of intense practice-oriented research on planning offshore wind projects and meshed transmission grids. Keynote speakers inclue Catharina Sikow-Magny (Director of Internal Energy Market of the European Commission) and Andreas Feicht (State Secretary of the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy). Registriation continues to be possible until the start of the event.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Martin Neubert (CEO, Ørsted Wind Power Germany GmbH)
- Vera Silva (CTO, GE Grid Solutions & Vice President of Innovation, T&D Europe)
- Jan-Paul Dijckmans (Associate Director Strategy & Partnership Department, TenneT)
- Søren Dupont Kristensen (CEO, Energinet)
- Ditlev Engel (CEO, DNV GL Energy)
- Mark v. Stiphout (Deputy Head of Unit - Research and Innovation at DG Energy)
Additional speakers include
- Laurent Schmitt (Secretary General, ENTSO-E)
- Giles Dickson (CEO, WindEurope)
- John Moore (Advisor Business Development, TenneT)
- Cornelis Plet (Energy Advisor, DNV-GL & Project Coordinator, PROMOTioN)
The programme of the conference and additional information about the event can be found here.