
Our projects

OFFWEA: Technical Support for the German Government in the Further Development and Realisation of a Strategy for Wind Farms in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea


Offshore wind energy in Germany is still at the beginning of its development path. In 2014, the total capacity of the four connected offshore wind farms is about 620 megawatts, and eight other projects with a total capacity of roughly 2,500 megawatts are under construction. Measures such as the increased initial remuneration (acceleration model) laid out in the Renewable Energy Act (EEG), KfW’s special credit program and the decision on the offshore liability regime regarding grid connection should enable accelerated expansion. However, the trend in 2014 fell short of the initial expectations. Accordingly, the German government's expansion targets for the years 2020 and 2030 were redefined in the coalition agreement. For this purpose, the need arises to establish legal control elements. The legislative process must be accompanied by the defining competencies of the BNetzA in the area of network connections, which are already enshrined in the EnWG. The basic concepts (EEG, EnWG, VO) should be binding for all actors at the end of 2014 and should be communicated broadly so that as quickly as possible, in 2014-15, investment decisions regarding further offshore projects can be taken.

Project goals and measures

Within the framework of the project, the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy has been supported in further implementing the offshore development strategy of the federal government. Thus, the Offshore Wind Energy Standing Committee of the German government with the coastal states (StAOWind) has been set up to optimize information coordination regarding the development of offshore wind energy. In addition, important networks were established between the actors involved in politics and in the private sector. Within the context of the project, supportive specialist events were held. The internet platform www.offshore-windenergie.net which was developed in the context of this project, has proven to be an important source of information given the high access figures. The content of the website has now also been integrated into the www.erneuerbare-energien.de portal.

Project partners

  • Becker Büttner Held
  • BioConsult SH GmbH & Co. KG
  • Deutsche WindGuard GmbH
  • Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien (IWR)

Project period and promotion

The project period ran from 9 August 2011 to 31 December 2014. The project was supported by the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy.

Contact person

Dr. Dennis Kruse

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