Test Field Research (Overall Concept and Initiation of Temporary and Locally Differentiated Offshore Test Field Research)
When it comes to developing offshore wind energy in Germany, the characteristic large sea depths and coastal distances represent special technological and logistical challenges. These conditions require distinct efforts in research, development and demonstration of technical solutions for offshore wind energy.
Newly commissioned offshore wind farms in Germany are reaching previously unseen dimensions which are particularly challenging for further expansion, with regard to turbine size, connection capacity, accessibility, weather influences, loads and investment costs. In order to further accelerate expansion on one hand and limit risk on the other, it is essential to improve the still young technology by means of research, testing and demonstration.
Project goals
For research and development, real data from offshore wind farms is required to generate results that are important for industrial implementation. Due to the large number of offshore tests and measurements, research should be restricted to those issues which cannot be addressed on land (e.g. on prototypes, tests stand, etc.). This project aimed to create framework conditions for further research, development and demonstration of offshore wind farms. This included an overall concept for test field research, the initiation of a differentiated offshore test field and the monitoring of the individual elements (offshore wind farms) of the test field.
Project partners
Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology IWES
Industrial partners
- AREVA Wind GmbH
- GICON – Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH
- WeserWind GmbH Offshore Construction Georgsmarienhütte
- Witzenmann Hamburg GmbH
- Vallourec Deutschland GmbH
Project time frame and support
The project period was from 1 December 2012 to 30 November 2014. The project was supported and promoted by the German Ministry for the Environment.
Contact person
Dr. Dennis Kruse