
Press release

04. February 2021



Hanover/Varel, February 4, 2021 - Today (February 4th, 2021), Lower Saxony's Energy Minister Olaf Lies gave the go-ahead for the project "Green Hydrogen with Offshore Wind Energy" from the German Foundation OFFSHORE WINDENERGY. Minister Lies presented the Varel-based foundation with a grant of 550,000 euros for the two-year project. Among other things, the foundation is to use its network to promote a broad exchange of knowledge and experience among all stakeholders. The project will also develop concepts and plans for the further development of the legal and economic framework.

"Industry follows energy and the energy of the future will be generated in large part at sea. Green hydrogen is a key issue for me if the energy transition is to succeed. The Foundation is making a valuable contribution here with its network and experience," emphasized Minister Olaf Lies at today's (virtual) handover. "The determined development of a green hydrogen economy is a very central building block for the energy transition and for more climate protection. Wind energy at sea provides the high potential of renewable power generation required for this, contributes to climate protection and at the same time ensures good, highly qualified industrial jobs, particularly in mechanical and plant engineering. It is not only the energy turnaround that benefits from this. It is a huge opportunity for Lower Saxony as a business location."

Dr. Knud Rehfeldt, Chairman of the German Foundation OFFSHORE WINDENERGY, said, "We are pleased to support the state of Lower Saxony in actually achieving the ambitious goals of the federal and state governments in the field of offshore wind energy and in building a green hydrogen economy. Through our many years of expertise, we have been bringing the necessary experience at all levels since 2005. We want to use this effectively for the further expansion of offshore wind energy. The pioneering work we have done since the start of offshore wind energy in Germany must now also be applied to the development of a green hydrogen economy. We will support the state of Lower Saxony in setting the right regulatory course or working towards it, achieving a rapid market ramp-up and networking the players at the individual stages of the value chain."

"I am pleased that the Offshore Wind Energy Foundation wants to advance the topic of green hydrogen and offshore wind energy with us and the other stakeholders as a networker and driver. As a technically established and experienced player, the Foundation brings outstanding competencies and expertise to this task," added Minister Lies.

The aim of the project, which will be funded by the state of Lower Saxony for two years, is to promote and support a broad-based exchange of knowledge and experience between all stakeholders. In addition to authorities and politicians, these include offshore wind farm operators, machinery and plant manufacturers, gas and electricity grid operators, the electrolysis industry, universities and research institutes, and industrial users. In addition, utilization concepts should be developed for the oxygen produced during hydrogen production. The project promotes direct technology and knowledge transfer between stakeholders from politics, industry and research in the state of Lower Saxony and beyond.

The German Foundation OFFSHORE WINDENERGY will support the state of Lower Saxony in particular in monitoring political, legal and technological developments in the field of offshore wind energy and green hydrogen. It supports the networking of actors from politics, industry and research as well as the preparation of studies and expert opinions on various topics in the development of a hydrogen economy. The foundation also provides technical support for possible demonstration and pilot projects and develops utilization concepts for green hydrogen from offshore wind energy. The German government foresees a hydrogen demand of about 90 to 110 TWh until 2030. In order to meet part of this demand, generation plants with a total capacity of up to 5 GW are to be built in Germany by 2030, including the necessary offshore and onshore energy production.


The North German Hydrogen Strategy of the five North German states was adopted on November 7, 2019. According to the strategy, at least 500 megawatts of electrolysis capacity for the production of green hydrogen are to be installed in northern Germany by 2025.

Offshore wind energy is ideally suited for this purpose, particularly due to its power plant characteristics, i.e., above all, high usage and full-load hours. In addition, if seawater were used directly, sufficient feedstock would be available for the production of hydrogen.

About the German Foundation OFFSHORE WINDENERGY

The German Foundation OFFSHORE WINDENERGY was established in 2005 to promote environmental and climate protection through improved research and development of offshore wind energy. It has established itself as a non-partisan, supra-regional and independent institution supporting offshore wind energy in Germany and Europe. The foundation is a communication platform for stakeholders from politics, industry and research, serves the exchange of knowledge and sees itself as a provider of ideas. At the same time, it bundles the various interests and represents them vis-à-vis politics, the public, business and science.

Svenja Schneeweiß

Public and Press Information Officer

Mobile: +49(0)152/29 41 04 89


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