

27. May 2020

EU-funded PROMOTioN project postpones final event to 21 September

Due to the current pandemic crisis, the Horizon 2020 project PROMOTioN (Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks) has postponed its final event, which is now going to take place on 21 September 2020 as an online event.

The online conference North Sea Grid for the European Green Deal How to unlock Europe's Offshore Wind potential - a deployment plan for a meshed HVDC grid will feature high-level key notes and panel discussions with policy-makers, and experts from TSOs, the offshore wind- and HVDC sectors; final project findings and observations on technology, regulation, economics, and system planning as well as a deployment plan for the meshed HVDC grid. Technical and non-technical break-out sessions on conclusive findings will take place online from 24 August to 18 September 2020. More detailed information on the final programme and registration will be published by the end of June 2020 on the PROMOTioN Website.

More information on the PROMOTioN website

Svenja Schneeweiß

Public and Press Information Officer

Mobile: +49(0)152/29 41 04 89


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